Although they look the same in shape and every aspect, not all tents are made equally. Before you buy a custom canopy tent, it’s always better to consider a few features and materials that present in your tent. In this guide, we want to discuss what makes an excellent tent to buy or invest in. But first, we want to know your reason.


Generally, there are two main reasons why people are using 10x10 custom tent: promotional or recreational. It’s essential to keep your business stays relevant in a fierce and competitive market. Promotional tents are great to buy for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to advertise their products or services during a trade show, corporate events, fairs, or festivals.


To catch the attention, sometimes they use interactive objects such as banners, flags, and implemented designs to show that they’re different from others. This way, they can get the attention of so many curious customers. That’s why experts in marketing said that a custom 10x10 tent is one of the best promotional techniques to apply.


The second reason to have a custom canopy tent is recreational—a tent for this purpose is usually used at the beaches, a party, or camping. 


Before actually buying customized tents, you need to distinguish between various materials, components, and materials that are available in the market.


The Frame


The standard type of frame materials used for a custom canopy tent is whether aluminum or steel. There are plenty of reasons why these are the best in the market. First, they are cheap, and second, they’re pretty strong. As the cherry on the pie, they pretty light as well, so the build-up process of the tent is relatively easy.


The Shape


When looking at the catalog, you may notice some tents have different shapes of legs. Sometimes they’re square or hexagonal. So what’s the best form to pick? Hexagonal-shaped legs are more robust and resistant to strong impact and dents. Diameter and thickness are the keys here.


The thicker it is, the stronger the frame will be. But the trade-off is the weight, which can be troublesome for transporting.


Truss Bars, Connectors, and Footplates



The materials mentioned above are responsible for the overall durability and stability of the tent. Just like the leg tubes, the thicker it is, the stronger it gets. Double-sided connectors which function to connect truss bars are considered the best in the market. These components will make your 10x10 canopy tent stronger against breaking, twisting, and collapsing.


Locking systems


The locking mechanism will lock the framework, connect the components during the setup process and takedown steps. There are three locking systems available: push the trigger, pull-pin, and button press. Usually, most commercial grade canopies are equipped with the pull-pin system due to the easiness of releasing the locking system.


Fabric Material


One of the vital components of a custom canopy is the fabric material. This widely misunderstood material comes in two main types: polyester and vinyl. The first one is the most common fabric material and is widely used for its resistance against UV, rain, and fire. Above all, it’s also more durable and an ideal choice to print logos and designs. It is the thickest material to be used that is light and long-lasting. At Signleader Display, we use high-quality 600 polyesters to print high-quality inks.


You can have yourself a nice 10x10 event tent for your best business promotion by using quality materials.



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